
Por qué escribir



6 comentarios

Émile Cioran -

Escribo para no matar.

Paul Celan -

Habla también tú
sé el último en hablar,
di tu decir.

Pero no separes el No del Sí.
Y da a tu decir sentido:
dale sombra.

Dale sombra bastante,
dale tanta
cuanta en torno de ti tú sabes extendida entre
medianoche y mediodía y medianoche.

Mira en torno:
ve cómo alrededor todo se hace viviente
¡En la muerte! ¡Viviente!
Dice la verdad quien dice sombra.

Pero se estrecha ahora el lugar donde estás:
¿Adónde ahora, despojado de sombra, adónde?
Asciende. Tanteante, asciende.
Te haces más sutil, más irreconocible, más fino.

Más fino: un hilo
por el que quiere descender la estrella
para abajo nadar, al fondo,
donde se ve brillar: sobre móviles dunas
de palabras errantes.

Allen Ginsberg -

I write poetry because the English word Inspiration comes from Latin Spiritus, breath, I want to breathe freely.
I write poetry because Walt Whitman gave world permission to speak with candor.
I write poetry because Walt Whitman opened up poetry's verse-line for unobstructed breath.
I write poetry because Ezra Pound saw an ivory tower, bet on one wrong horse, gave poets permission to write spoken vernacular idiom.
I write poetry because Pound pointed young Western poets to look at Chinese writing word pictures.
I write poetry because W. C. Williams living in Rutherford wrote New Jerseyesque "I kick yuh eye," asking, how measure that in iambic pentameter?
I write poetry because my father was poet my mother from Russia spoke Communist, died in a mad house.
I write poetry because young friend Gary Snyder sat to look at his thoughts as part of external phenomenal world just like a 1984 conference table.
I write poetry because I suffer, born to die, kidneystones and high blood pressure, everybody suffers.
I write poetry because I suffer confusion not knowing what other people think.
I write because poetry can reveal my thoughts, cure my paranoia also other people's paranoia.
I write poetry because my mind wanders subject to sex politics Budhadharma meditation.
I write poetry to make accurate picture my own mind.
I write poetry because I took Bodhisattva's Four Vows: Sentient creatures to liberate are numberless in the universe, my own greed ignorance to cut thru's infinite, situations I
find myself in are countless as the sky okay, while awakened mind path's endless.
I write poetry because this morning I woke trembling with fear what could I say in China?
I write poetry because Russian poets Mayakovsky and Yesenin committed suicide, somebody else has to talk.
I write poetry because my father reciting Shelley English poet & Vachel Lindsay American poet out loud gave example–big wind inspiration breath.
I write poetry because writing sexual matters was censored in United States.
I write poetry because millionaires East and West ride Rolls-Royce limousines, poor people don't have enough money to fix their teeth.
I write poetry because my genes and chromosomes fall in love with young men not young women.
I write poetry because I have no dogmatic responsibility one day to the next.
I write poetry because I want to be alone and want to talk to people.
I write poetry to talk back to Whitman, young people in ten years, talk to old aunts and uncles still living near Newark, New Jersey.
I write poetry because I listened to black Blues on 1939 radio, Leadbelly and Ma Rainey.
I write poetry inspired by youthful cheerful Beatles' songs grown old.
I write poetry because Chuang-tzu couldn't tell whether he was butterfly or man, Lao-tzu said water flows downhill, Confucius said honor elders, I wanted to honor Whitman.
I write poetry because overgrazing sheep and cattle Mongolia to U.S. Wild West destroys new grass & erosion creates deserts.
I write poetry wearing animal shoes.
I write poetry "First thought, best thought" always.
I write poetry because no ideas are comprehensible except as manifested in minute particulars: "No ideas but in things."
I write poetry because the Tibetan Lama guru says, "Things are symbols of themselves."
I write poetry because newspapers headline a black hole at our galaxy-center, we're free to notice it.
I write poetry because World War I, World War II, nuclear bomb, and World War III if we want it, I don't need it.
I write poetry because first poem Howl not meant to be published was prosecuted by the police.
I write poetry because my second long poem Kaddish honored my mother's parinirvana in a mental hospital.
I write poetry because Hitler killed six million Jews, I'm Jewish.
I write poetry because Moscow said Stalin exiled 20 million Jews and intellectuals to Siberia, 15 million never came back to the Stray Dog Café, St. Petersburg.
I write poetry because I sing when I'm lonesome.
I write poetry because Walt Whitman said, "Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself (I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
I write poetry because my mind contradicts itself, one minute in New York, next minute the Dinaric Alps.
I write poetry because my head contains 10,000 thoughts.
I write poetry because no reason no because.
I write poetry because it's the best way to say everything in mind within 6 minutes or a lifetime.

Roque Dalton -

Uno hace versos y ama
la extraña risa de los niños,
el subsuelo del hombre
que en las ciudades ácidas disfraza su leyenda,
la instauración de la alegría
que profetiza el humo de las fábricas.

Uno tiene en las manos un pequeño país,
horribles fechas,
muertos como cuchillos exigentes,
obispos venenosos,
inmensos jóvenes de pie
sin más edad que la esperanza,
rebeldes panaderas con más poder que un lirio,
sastres como la vida,
páginas, novias,
esporádico pan , hijos enfermos,
abogados traidores
nietos de la sentencia y lo que fueron,
bodas desperdiciadas de impotente varón,
madre, pupilas, puentes,
rotas fotografías y programas.

Uno se va a morir,
un año,
un mes sin pétalos dormidos;
disperso va a quedar bajo la tierra
y vendrán nuevos hombres
pidiendo panoramas.

Preguntarán qué fuimos,
quienes con llamas puras les antecedieron,
a quienes maldecir con el recuerdo.

Eso hacemos:
custodiamos para ellos el tiempo que nos toca.

Oscar Hahn -

Porque el fantasma porque ayer porque hoy:
porque mañana porque sí porque no
Porque el principio porque la bestia porque el fin:
porque la bomba porque el medio porque el jardín

Porque Góngora porque la tierra porque el sol:
porque San Juan porque la luna porque Rimbaud
Porque el claro porque la sangre porque el papel:
porque la carne porque la tinta porque la piel

Porque la noche porque me odio porque la luz:
porque el infierno porque el cielo porque tú
Porque casi porque nada porque la sed

porque el amor porque el grito porque no sé
Porque la muerte porque apenas porque más
porque algún día porque todos porque quizás

Enrique Lihn -

Escribo para desquitarme de la inacción que significa escribir
Escribo como alguien compra un número de la lotería atrasado
Escribo de parte de los perdedores para la mortalidad
Escribo sin voz por amor a la Letra
Escribo, luego el otro existe.